A fishy story

Two drifters, off to see the world
Anthony Good
Tue 1 Jan 2013 18:25

23:29.30N 23:27.50W

 Hello Capisce watchers everywhere. It has taken us two years to find a yacht owner mad/naive enough to allow us to crew for them, but we did it and here we are on Capisce. Curiously, despite having a mailing list of seemingly thousands of friends and presumably suitable crew, Tony and Jane have elected to sail with two complete strangers they knew for little over half an hour. Is there a message there? How come none of you lot are on board? As for Oli, very smart, high tailed it the day before we sailed – smart guy. Well, astonishingly the two groups of strangers are now on day four, all still on board and not a glare in sight - man what a crew. We have jelled in to a tight fighting unit, like a coiled spring ready to deal with anything nature or pirates dish up. Dishes?...as for the food, nothing short of Gourmet, capped off yesterday by our 120lb, may need to check that, could have been the breaking strain, Mahi Mahi caught by yours truly, and for the fishysceptics amongst you (Chris dexter wedge Prior) shown below. What a great trip......you don’t know what you are missing! Happy new year one and all, Tony, Jane, Shorty and Baldy. 


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