Alex is wrestling with the bunk, trying in vain to make it homely, despite me saying that we do not need a double bed... one only can hope for the best, although i suspect that she just want some “companionship”. Oh well. Anyway, we are all prepared for our 500nm trip... we must admit that the good people of the Marina Bar gave us a good send-off, we are a bit worse for wear.. that is all from me, i’m off to bed. Alex: Bed all done now, time for bed and made joe realise that it’s our last proper night together for a few days, listening to Adele and drinking tea!! The guys at the marina bar will give me a sore head in the morning but it was well worth dancing with Rob and listening to dreamgirls!! Gonna miss mum and dad although i usually go a long time without seeing them, hope they don’t worry too much! Lots of love from the soon to be hung-over crew of the good ship Calypso... xx |