Mon 3 Dec 2007 13:32
bob and i had a really exciting shift last
night. i was hardly on deck five minutes in my usual positon between the
winches when a rogue wave half drowned me. i was heard to say "you
bastard" and everyone else though we were having a domestic!! we then saw
another shooting star and an airplane. haven't seen one of those for about
a week. finally, i know this is almost too exciting, but we heard a thump
in the night - not one of the usual cacophony of noises - and just as we were
wondering what the hell it was, i smelled fish and for the first time we
had a flying fish on deck. see attached photo. we then used it
for bait this morning but no luck yet. lisa has done a brilliant job on
the heads today and now both girls are cleaning the floors in the cabin.
we have been changing the sail plan and attaching the pole in a different way -
very explicit i know, but i generally just pull a sheet or let one out when told
and don't always really know why!!
lisa and i have already done our exercises first
thing on deck and in unison. and the other thing i meant to mention about
our spa is the hair program. apparently we cannot wash our hair for nearly
three weeks and in this time the natural oils will totally regenerate our
hair. i must admit that i have been sneeking some of mark's friend andrew
c's perfect endings ultimate moisturising spray (hope no one notices the
product placement!!) which i would suggest any girl on an atlantic crossing
should not be without. but the strange thing is, my hair feels softer than
usual - which when you have a mass of wirey curls is quite something. see
next photo of how the girls are getting on.
an ongoing struggle on board has been to get bob to
say "lisa" and not "liza". bearing in mind that this is the man who two
years ago on this trip called "fleur" "flair" the whole time, no mean
feat. we told him lisa rhymed with lease(a) and as he's in property
management we thought this would do the trick, but no joy. finally lisa
came up with mona lisa and as he loves that nat king cole song, that seems to
have worked and he now calls her "moaner"!!
today we are going to have the champagne we didn't
have yesterday as it got too late after the red wine and the first shift had
started! we are also going to have german rye bread with philadelphia
cheese and smoked salmon. yummy. tonight we will have roasted
yegetables with coucous and king prawns - or fish if we catch one. this is
definately the life. the sun is shining again today - yesterday was mostly
cloudy. the girls have been practising christmas carols and if anyone has
the complete words to a partridge in a pear tree from verses 12 to 9, then
please send them to us. thanks. jan xx
for my german friends: es tut mir so leid
dass ich bis jetzt so faul war und gar nichts uebersetzt habe. manche von
euch werden vielleicht gemerkt haben dass unser satellitentracker zu zeit nicht
funktioniert - bitte uns ueber das offizielle arc website verfolgen.
hoffentlich geht's euch alle gut - uns geht es praechtisch. die sonne
scheint, das wind ist super und wir sind alle entspannt und gluecklich.
bis bald. jan xx