plan c

Beoga's Madventure
Henry and Marina Lupton
Tue 22 Dec 2009 19:14
We intended to go from Antigua to Nevis/StKitt then to St.Martin and on to the BVIs.
The extra day in Antigua eliminated the Nevis stop and now underway we are considering continuing straight to the BVIs although there is no wind (a first in these parts) and diesel is low so we may have to stop off.
I'll be checking weather in a minute and if we have prospects of wind then we should be ok to go in one hop.
We are invited to a full Irish Breakfast with Champagne on christmas morning in chez Clair Burke on BVIslands. Might have something to do with the enthusiasm to get there.......
I know ye dont want to know this but its a Hot day here, about 6 knots of wind behind us and we are moving at 6 knots which means we get no breeze. Glad I fitted the bimini to give us some shade. Everyone is reading and sleeping..Swim planned in about half and hour. Assuming some folk wake up. Steam will rise. i wonder are there sharks around here?
Had a lazy day yesterday finsihed with another meal at East meets West restaurant run by Chris and Debbie as of 3 weeks ago.
left at about 7am this morning.
Snacks abound as ever. No exercise either so pounds are piling on. So much for hot weather reducing the appetite. Like Mich Desjoyeux who won two Vendee Globes single handed round the world races we seem to have also put on weight during our little cruise. Common factor?? Joan Lynch provisioning for both.  hmmmmm   I suspect he was in better shape though..
FAME!!!!! our picture is in yachting world. kinda, in amongst a bunch of boats, in a small section, emmmm i wouldnt rush out to buy it. UNless you want to see the picture of the ladies in swimsuits from girlsforsail who arrived in santa outfits (cut down versions!) without an engine at the end of the ARC. Not that that detracts from our aerial shot or anything.
right , time to dial up and then throttle back to cool off.
take care.