Day 5 Lisbon to Las try out the

Beoga's Madventure
Henry and Marina Lupton
Tue 27 Oct 2009 08:40
8:15 tues.
Beautiful day yesterday. Sailed under kite until
mid afternoon then dropped it to as wind had lightened. Ran engine initially to
try out the watermaker but wind died further and we have been using the
iron spinnaker since. Very calm overnight. Hector has been given a rest.
Water maker seems ok after some initial confusion over valve positions, its been couple of months since I fitted it and I had forgotten which way levers were supposed to point! Filled up the port tank so we can continue to
shower in comfort. Now we have to plan on preserving the membrance for the ext
3-4 weeks.
Drilled a little hole in the mast and eventually
managed to snare some of the cables that were clanging inside. Should help sleep
Atmospherics must have changed overnight. We were
seeing up to 20 ships on AIS, none closer than 35 miles, now we see
A few seabirds yesterday and inevitably one tiny
little land bird!
A few dolphins joined us for a couple
of minutes on a two occasions. They dont seem to hang around like the
ones up north.
No satellite signal as I type. Present position is
30:59.9N 13:24.7W crossed another major parallel. Distance to Las Palmas about
to drop under 200nm
Talk of ETA on board here.........its the journey
Quiet watches last night. No ships, moon gave
light for a while with cloud coming and going. Night sky as intense as
Niall spotted all sorts of stuff on his watch but
reckons they were hallucinations........
Cloudy this morning and it was Laras turn for the
sunrise but unfortunately it was behind the clouds. Log notes that she
"watched the sea breath". I think there is a book in the offing.
Sun seems to be burning through now though, fingers
crossed. Light Wind is on the bow now so it will be interesting to see the grib
file that returns when I send this mail.
Task for today, check out securing methods for
cabin stowage in lockers.