Jamie and Stupot's Big Day Out

Jamie and Lucy Telfer
Tue 27 Sep 2016 02:53
How were we to know that the cancellation of Virgin Australia's flight from Perth to here at Cocos Keeling would affect the boys day out in such a disastrous way.......

It started so well, full of promise, with visions of lunch and an afternoon in the pub on West Island on the other side of the lagoon.  After 6 dry days on the open ocean, the prospect of fish and chips or possibly a steak with lots of beer in front of the telly, watching sport was very appealing!

Having successfully negotiated the short trip in the dingy to Home Island the boys eagerly awaited the arrival of the ferry to take them across to West Island.  Bang on time the ferry arrived, off loaded it's passengers and our adventurers were ready to board for the second leg of the journey.  Disaster........because the flight from Perth had been canceled, which our intrepid adventurers did not know about, the ferry to West Island was now unnecessary and therefore also cancelled!  Catastrophe.......but our beer desperate voyagers were not to be defeated and searched high and low for a lift.  Just about to give up and limp back to Bamboozle we found a fisherman with a boat who was indeed able to help, and with a quick haggle over the price, the boys spirits soared and they boarded and headed to West Island. 

On arrival however instead of a busy little port they were greeted by an empty ferry dock and no transport to town (because the flight had been cancelled). How far to town and beer they ask, "only 4 k's mate" came the cheery cry from the man who had just fleeced our explorers of 50 bucks for a trip he was doing anyway!

Is that a bus they shout, even Stupot breaks into a sprint, only to find it is a bus but it's parking up for the day because, "flight's cancelled mate!"  So they walk....... after 4 k's they discover they have actually still got 3 k's to go..... lying git!  Finally they hitch a lift into town.  Settling into air conditioned comfort of a pick up truck, our thirsty adventurers feel that Xanadu is finally around the corner..... " which is the best pub in town?  asks Stu. 

Now it gets serious - "Nah mate, pubs closed, flight cancelled!".  Into town they trundle and determined to prove the locals wrong search everywhere.  Everything apart from the supermarket is indeed closed till 5, even the cop shop, where necessary paperwork needs attending to.  Thanks Virgin Australia!  Determined to put a brave face on things a plan is hatched for a picnic.  Into the supermarket where there is beer! " Nah mate can't sell ya 6 beers you have to buy 36, we only sell whole slabs and they're a bit warm".

Nearly in tears the beer monsters settle for crisps, bread, processed cheese and ginger beer and retreat to a bench outside Maxi's By The Sea (which is closed) and try and put a brave face on things.......only four hours to kill until the ferry heads home. 

Hope springs eternal as the sound of voices, the smell of cooking steaks and clinking beer bottles is heard. "Is this a bar we plead.......nah mate private party!"  Good choice of headgear Jamie....not sure the England cricket sun hat is helping!

Defeated, hungry and thirsty the only port of call is the local tourist office where our adventurers settle into an hour of videos showing visitors enjoying the sunshine and partying around Cocos Keeling where everything seems to be open.  Almost by instinct now Stupot asks another local if they know anywhere beer can be consumed?  "Yeah next door...... The Club's open!"  Surely not, the prospect of beer, fish and chips and sport on the telly is still alive!  Having wasted hours of precious time there is not a second to be lost, so bolting over the road to The Club they are met by the ever so friendly landlady who announces " nah mate, closed till 5!

Hearing the boys story and seeing  our pathetic little faces, she softens, " can sell you some takeouts though".  Mission sort of accomplished, beers to consume on the beach while we wait for the bus back to the ferry dock..... first cold sip.... nectar.... "do you think they're gonna cancel the ferry home???"

Waiting for the cancelled ferry.

Fifty bucks to secure a trip across the lagoon.

No-one told us we would have to walk to town.

It's only 4ks said the man who fleeced us for our boat ride!

Nah mate..The pub's closed 'til 5!

Along with everything else!

WTFIs everyone?

Processed cheese sandwiches outside a closed cafe.

Beer at last!!!!

Still smiling in the face of considerable adversity.