Back on board.

Jamie and Lucy Telfer
Thu 10 May 2007 21:30
After almost five months off the boat we are finally back on board. Savoir
Vivre is sporting a new look with all new canvas work in a very smart dark
green (British Racing?) along with a number of less obvious but equally
important improvements (a new prop shaft and engine coupling, roller-reefing
forestay, boom vang and a much tidied up gooseneck).
The last week has been a frenzy of activity completing jobs, trying to get
the boat ready for the passage back up to the islands, along with doing most
of the provisioning for the next 6 months. Whilst I have been wrestling with
a temperamental fridge and checking through all the safety gear Lucy has
been clearing the shelves of the local supermarkets. We are now laden with
everything from rice, flour and yeast through to smoked hams, wasabi and
pickled ginger. Auckland residents may have noticed that there is hardly a
spare can of sweetcorn available north of the harbour bridge.
With every cupboard and storage space on board now full we set off this
morning from Gulf Harbour on a gentle trip up the coast towards Opua in the
Bay of Islands to check that everything (or at least most things) are
working. If all goes well we should be ready and waiting early next week,
hoping for a good forecast to help us on our way towards Lautoka in
western Fiji. Down here, New Zealand is definitely heading towards winter
and even though the hardy locals insist on continuing to wear their shorts
and t-shirts, it is time to slip away towards the tropics.
I'll update things as soon as we have cleared customs and are on our way.