24th to 25th May – Barcelona to La Ciotat (“the Co mpetent Crew in action”)
On Sunday
24th May we left Our first problem came when I went below and saw that the bilge pumps were working. I checked under the floor in the aft cabin and it was full of water. My first thought was that the leaky boat problems were back but on checking the lazarettes I discovered that one of them had not been locked and all the water on the deck was running straight into it causing the pump to go off. I do not know whether the water in the boat has leaked out of the, now supposedly, sealed lazarette but as it was quite dirty it could have been old water. However, after properly locking the lazarette and mopping out the water the problem did not recur. With my competent crew on watch that night, I was under strict instruction from Emma to go to bed and get a good night’s sleep. It seemed to work as I was fast asleep when Emma woke me at three in the morning to say that there had been a bang and Ed thought that the rigging had snapped. Leaping up top (remembering first to put some clothes on) I discovered that the one of the two inner shrouds had come detached from the deck and the other was loose. Only the outer shrouds were holding the mast up. Ed had managed to re-attach the shroud and tighten the other so that it was no longer loose. However, it meant that there was no chance of sailing and putting any further strain on the mast before it could be looked at. Of course, with
our luck, the wind changed as the sun rose and what could have been a lovely
sail into La Ciotat turned out to be another motor. We had chosen to go to La Ciotat as a
friend of mine, Tom Miller who is the skipper of a 92’ superyacht, Cyclos 2, is
based there with his partner |