8th July 2008 - Marina del Este to Almerimar (Rolly night and a flat night)

Bali Hai
Neal Stow
Tue 8 Jul 2008 23:41
Last night we took the tender into the marina for a meal.  At first I thought it was going to be breakfast as Thin Pete and Mike went off on a short trip to find us somewhere to eat but got themselves distracted by a local hostellery, when they had not returned after several hours we had to called them come and collect the rest of us. 
Marina del Este is a complete contrast to Benalmedina, a small upmarket marina in beautiful surroundings.  And, as Thin Pete remarked, a place where you can go to the WC without finding someone peeing in the sink.  We sat outside and had a nice meal overlooking the boats as the sun went down.
Although the marina is small it can take some quite large boats and there were quite a few places available.  Despite this we had decided it would be pleasanter to anchor off the beach but unfortunately this turned out to be a big mistake.  Although the swell had died in the afternoon it came back that evening with a vengeance.  It was pretty tricky getting back on the boat from the tender and the night was extremely uncomfortable as the boat rolled around the whole time.  To make matters worse another large yacht had anchored near us while we were at dinner and during the night it started to drag its anchor.  I was up all night keeping an eye on the other yacht and at four in the morning I was about to wake the others thinking we had to move out of its way when the other yacht eventually raised its anchor and left.
Because no-one could sleep we left at the unprecedented hour of 7:15 in the morning (all except Mike who claimed not to sleep but still slumbered away despite the noise of the anchor being lifted right next to him).  We had 15 or so knots of wind straight on the nose.  We tacked out to sea for a while but were making such slow progress towards out destination that at midday we turned the engine on and motored into the wind.  The only highlight of the trip was that Thin Pete prepared gourmet sandwiches for lunch which matched any of those prepared by previous crews.
We arrived at Almerimar at four in the afternoon.  It is a large purpose built marina and pleasant for what it is.  The surrounding area is not so attractive and looks like it is covered by a huge sheet of polythene, as this is where the greater proportion if Europe's winter vegetables are grown.  The marina staff were very helpful and although I was again nervous about the berthing, particularly as we had quite a wind blowing, it all went smoothly.  It is a shame that the formalities make the whole arrival process take so long.
It was pretty hot in the afternoon and Tracy and I were sweltering down below while the boys washed down the boat.  I turned on the aircon only for it to shut itself down.  After half an hour of frustrated removing of hoses and hitting things with a spanner, a call to "Good Old Dan" back at Moody's got it fixed.
We ate locally in the marina and retired to bed.  With the wind having died and the water flat calm it was a very comfortable night.