The bay at Anaho, Nuku Hiva

Phil May and Andrea Twigg
Tue 10 Apr 2012 06:18
Although on the north side of Nuku Hiva,
and more exposed to the prevailing north-easterly winds, Anaho Bay is
bottle-shaped and very little swell reaches as far as the yachts at
anchor. You can walk over a ridge into Hatiheu bay, one of Robert Luis
Stevenson's favorite haunts. This photo is taken from the ridge, looking
down on Anastasia and Serendipity anchored in Anaho bay. The tide is out
and you can see the coral shoals that ring the bay. Arriving at high tide,
the water covers the reef and extends to the white sand beach, so you have to
keep a close eye on the depth gauge when anchoring. The bay is home to
several huge manta rays that circle round the boats, sieving the water for juicy
plankton. |