Sant Carles

Fri 27 Sep 2013 21:38
24 September 2013
Arriving in Sant Carles was a bit different from the calas of Majorca. The reception pontoon had lines tied overhead with scraps of polythene to scare the seaguls, and the floor was covered with guano. But after we were moved to a very pleasant 18m berth with a side pontoon for much easier access than a bow-to arrangement, we were very happy with it. The hardstanding, where Altea would eventually be parked, was very tidy and the boats tied down securely. Thomasz the man in charge of the yard was very helpful and a good english speaker, and it would serve our purpose well.
There followed a couple of days of laying up duties, sails washed and stowed, lines soaked in the paddling pool that was J's genius idea and engine and generator serviced and oil changed. New impellers fitted.
Then I had to leave J and L to it, and took a taxi to Reus airport. From there to Manchester where S kindly came to meet me, and then home. It was strange to drive through the autumnal scenery, up Stocksmoor Road and in through the drive, but I was looking forward to being home too. It had been a great trip.