Eulalia to Cala Boix

Sat 31 Aug 2013 12:57
31 August 2013
Breakfast for me J and C in the port was punctuated by a massive downpour. Rivers were soon running down the steps and over into the harbour. Fortunately J and L had closed the hatches and windows before they set off to join us.
After returning to the boat the first challenge was to squeeze out of the berth where our fenders were interlocked with those of the boats on either side. J came to the rescue and after bracing his legs against our coach roof he pushed the motor boat (and half a dozen other boats beyond it) out of the way and I motored out before the gap closed behind us.
We sailed out of Eulalia and nosed into a few Calas to the south before deciding to head north and we ended up at Cala Boix. We toyed with the idea of anchoring in Cala Mastella, which was beautiful, but there was very lttle swing room and we moved on.
Cala Boix had a lovely little beach bar where we had pizza and beer in the evening sunshine before returning on board to play Balderdash.
A good day all round.