Sunday Morning peace after rock'n'roll night - well rolly polly actually
Graham Deegan
Sun 25 Oct 2009 10:30
Hot and sunny morning, Big Red spinnaker hoisted.
GD and RN confirm 8 times "never rush a snuffer!". Piers has figured out what
all the yellow ropes do on the 16 winches.Freddie seems happy squeaking away on
the helm so none of us bother any more.
Skipper still puzzled over which of the 4 water
tanks gets filled by jessie the watermaker so we may be allowed more than a
thimbleful of H2O today for a wash.
Two dolphins visited Akarana at precisely midnight
(b4 the clocks changed) with a dazzling display of ultra high speed
phospherescent zigzaggy vigour. Just before we reached the halfway stage which
was sweet.
Caroline's gift of Stars and Planets has been the
most popular missive - we are all learning more about the
Piers continues to take sun sights and mutter about
times and meridians. He hopes to plot a position this week - a bit like
the radio officer who hopews to transmit on the SSB one day.
AS has cooked and cleaned and trimmed and helmed
(holds current world speeed record for the trip of 10.7 knot surge). He started
the night shower outside routine.
RC is learning a few tricks from all the experience
onboard and should make a useful sailor one day.
Galley gets very chaud as skipper does not like the
cooling hatches being open as he keeps adding to the divits in his
Another fish landed on the deck last night (300+mm)
- it escaped RC's clutches (he's lonely!) leaving lots of scales.
PN just kips in a snug bunk hidden away somewhere -
pops up for grub sometimes and takes movies.
Clearly the crew are desperately missing their
better halves (and children and pets) but despite this burden are managing to
persevere in the harsh sunny tradewind conditions.