Day 3 At Sea

A Greenland Story Blog
Jamie Young
Mon 3 Jun 2019 15:38
Hello from the Killary Flyer,
I am writing to you some 200 miles off the coast of Ireland. All going well
here and everyone getting settled in. Appetites starting to get back to
normal after fending off sea sickness for the first day or so. Chef Ciaran
treated us to breakfast wraps yesterday morning with his parents duck eggs and
his mum’s home-made chutney, beauty!
Current position is
54:52:36N 014:24:87W
We should have gotten farther by this stage but we’ve been delayed by some
lively weather. The wind and sea picked up as the depression deepened and we
reduced down to the storm sail and then were force to put out the drogue and sit
it out for the night last night. A fairly hefty freak wave hit us yesterday and
unfortunately one of the kayaks was ripped of the deck. After we had gathered
ourselves and noticed the kayak was gone we put in a good search effort tracking
back. However, with such high-seas it made for difficult searching and we
eventually admitted defeat and put out the drogue to bunker down for the night.
Reward on offer for anyone that finds a cedar kayak off the West Coast! It
should actually blow back that direction... if it makes it there in one piece.
We’ll have to buy or borrow on up there now.
Other than that all is well and we’re back making good headway to Greenland
at 7-8 knots. Nice outlook for the next few days so some nice sailing ahead.
I hope all is well back home and will touch base again soon