Finally Home Sat 4th JUly Position 50:22N 2:26W

Richard Coles
Sat 4 Jul 2009 10:21
Saturday 4th July 50:22N 2:26W
Well its a lovely feeling to wake up and see the
headlands of your destination, although we came in last evening in a beautiful
sunset and could see Lizard Point with the binoculars we still had a long way to
go, so this morning is what I would term a typical English day and its cold and
with a little rain (typical) after all our fantastic weather, it looks like
we will be reaching Falmouth in IOW at about 4/5pm according to the gurus on our
boat (Mark & Richard). It has been a fantastic journey with many parts that
will etch themselves on my memory forever. Looking forward to 'Ole Blighty' and
having a tourists look at her and meeting all our friends once again and
catching up with family members not seen in a long time.
A thanks to all those on 'Adventuress' - for such a
great trip of a lifetime, to Richard our wonderful Captain and who has the
patience of a saint and the expertise of a genius and the thirst of a parched
wildebeest when it comes to alcohol, to Mark who knows everything about
weather there is to know and always has a gentle smile and an incouraging
message, not to mention his wicked sense of humour and his insatiable appetite!
To Paul for his support in all areas especially the galley when I couldn't find
it!! And cleaning up after my lurches over the side!! and giving me extra
cuddles when I was down. Thanks Phillipa for your help in the last leg of our
journey and having a laugh or too.
And thankis most of all to 'ADVENTURESS' a great
ketch and a comfortable home for 3500 miles.