39 35.622N 40 51.569W
Wed 10th
June Midday Position 37:02N
50:01W Lovely moonlight night and awoke to
a lovely calm sea and beautiful sunshine and clear sky, wind NNE. Dolphins
visited again this morning and there was also a flying fish on deck. Mark
promptly cooked this up for his brekky!! At lunchtime we stopped the boat and
put out a rope with a fender attached and Mark jumped off the bow and swam back
to stern, the water was very clear and he said quite warm!! This still did not
convince the rest of us to jump in. Anyhow threw Mark the camera and he took
some shots of us on the boat a nice contrast. Kept motoring on and suddenly
motor died so it was time for a filter change. Cooler evening and a great
sunset. Thurs 11th
June Midday Position 37:56N
48:12W Still awaiting those westerly
winds, the charts showing them coming but we are still hunting them down, still
NE and motoring. Sea oily calm. Winds up again this afternoon so sailing again,
dolphins visiting again only briefly, saw another turtle also, much cooler today
have our winter woolleys on. Ship passed to stern must be heading to Europe or
Fri 12th
June Midday Position 39:05N
46:17W Cloudy, fine and a slight sea this
morning, Yacht ‘Cacuga’ an Oyster 65 passed by this morning coming from Antigua
bound for Horta and Southampton 8 days out. Making good time. Had another visit
from the dolphins again nice to see them. Clouds disappeared but is very cold
wind from the East and we are huddled out of the wind. Having easy dinner
tonite, have a reef in the main and genoa. Lots of water coming in Carmels
cabin, she is now sleeping in the saloon on the floor wedged up against the
table (not too thrilled about it all – she will be glad to see
land). Sat 13th June (Happy
Birthday to Richard) Midday Position 39:54N
43:56W Had planned on giving Richard hash browns this morning but too hard to be in galley for any length of time on this tack, a struggle going to the heads!! So it will be a cup of soup day I think, Carmel whilst cleaning her teeth forgot to shut the above hatch and caught a huge wave which doused her, she is not impressed this morning after her second nite on the saloon floor. We heard the fishing reel go about midmorning and Mark raced up to reel his line in, it looked like a bill fish, and put up a reasonable fight, but as Paul tried to land it, off it came disappointing us fish lovers, never mind maybe tomorrow we will catch another. Very cold out today and cloudy not too much sun, wind chill making it about 12deg. Richard spotted a whale just off the stern hopefully it wont attach itself to Marks line. Will be on canned food for dinner tonite as still too hard for the chef in the galley. Mark and Richard celebrating Richard's birthday with a lovely red wine.
Sunday 14 June 13.30 UTC Beam wind and seas a bit uncomfortable with spray everywhere, But, we are pointing at Horta and travelling at 6.4knts just over 560 miles to go, at this rate we should be there on Thursday. |