Day 27

Lee Price
Sat 7 Jun 2008 18:08
N38.50.05 W029.38.92
Heading 100T Wind F4-5 SE
How very super! Happy Happy Joy Joy, just 50miles to Horta.
Cause to every ying there is a yang
The wind backed to SE this morning so obviously it's coming from the direction I'm going.....typical, an unhappyily frequent coincedence.
Also, there's only really 6hrs of proper darkness, between 0000 & 0600, guess when I'm due to arrive?.........thats right! 3am.
So I hope the moon will light the arrivals dock enough for me to throw a rope over till morning.
I stood in the companion way last night, looking aft, it's become 'my spot' in the nightime. I had a little giggle to myself then almost somewhere in there was a hint of sadness.
This would be my last night in the open ocean, on the one hand, I'd done it, on the other, it was almost over. The GPS eta clinically clicked down at about the 30hr mark and I realised that tonight most likely I'd be in the cockpit navigating my turn around the northan shores of Faial into Horta.
Sure enough, at about midnight, I will be, no sleep for me today.
I'll report tomorrow on any sense of great achiement that might overcome me. I haven't always enjoyed the journey, but I have loved every minute of it, and now in it's closing stages I find that after the past week of wishing the days away to Horta, actually, I don't want it to end. Really mixed feelings, here on my own, in my little boat.
I no longer have a beard, which is a bit of a shame, and with the boat rolling and pitching on it's tight reach I had an interesting attempt at a shower, so I'm clean and freash smelling for my arival. Speaking of smelling, it's true, you really can smell Land! wierd.
I'll drop a line tomorrow with my first impressions of Horta and hopfully I'll have worked out some statts for the journey. After I check-in in the morning and have my boat in her Berth I'm on the hunt for freash food! a nice bagette and some freash ham would hit the spot for lunch. I've also been working on a little photo montage that, assuming they have an interweb, I'll email out to everyone.
So sleep well you lucky people, think of me as you go to bed, navigating the Faial channel by the light of a cresent moon.