Leg 2: Puteri (Singapore) to Krakatoa 160914

Tue 27 Sep 2016 03:17

Wednesday 14th September 2016              Position 0:22.7N 103:50.41E at 2400 btwn Sumatra and Lingga

Made the most of the final few hours in Puteri with a shower and WhatsApp/emails. We decided to spend the last of our Ringits on iced coffee and toast immediately before departing at 1020.

Motored down the channel btwn Malaysia & Singapore, under the bridge and then into the ship anchorage, where we had to weave a course through countless hundreds of ships big and small. The weather was poor and occasionally wet and squally. However, there was not enough wind from the right direction to do more than motor-sail. From there we crossed the TSS, eventually turning SE to wend our way through the islands on the Indonesian side. d we left Singapore and the shipping lanes behind the traffic thinned out quickly and we were soon on our own apart from a few fishing boats. Mid-afternoon we made the decision to continue through the night, given the light traffic and absence of fishing nets. The 24hr watch system started. I prepared dinner and then did the 2100 to 2400 watch, which was uneventful. The wind strengthened at 2200 and we were at last able to sail.