Day 14

Zahara: The story so far......
Ron Dunn
Sun 6 Dec 2009 12:48
Hi all, Larry here
Two weeks since we set out. I'm sitting in the sun in a sea that is officially described as 'rough' with 3 1/2 M waves and it feels just fine - a bit of swell maybe; Isn't it amazing how your percetion changes? We are fishing again today having failed yesterday. Ron wants to catch a 'Marlin' but a nice little 3 lb something would do just fine.......
The end of this adventure is obviously coming in sight, as I heard the unmistakable tones of Bob Marley leaking from Ron's headphones as I drifted off to sleep last night - His final preparation for life in the Caribbean (f-the nest few months anyway?) are fully underway.
Larry and Ron