21'57.55"N 025'17'31"W

14/01 @ 1522 21'57.55"N
025'17'31"W So we’ve lost TinTin overnight and our
excitement since 0500 local time has been squalls. We’ve had three since then
but its been quite refreshing having a sudden down pour. During the night we
made good progress and are now currently heading south on a starboard tack,
following the favorable wind, making good progress towards the trades. With the
current wind conditions we have a constant 7-12kts giving us an average speed of
6kts and the boat is behaving really well. Staying on this tack we’re holding
out for the wind to pull us round towards a more westerly heading giving us
a direct route to the finish line. Tonight is Jacobs turn to cook and on the menu
is fajitas! Till tomorrow Chris, Jacob, J oe and Robin