33:44.934N 15:20.062W

Kev and Jan Sherwood
Sun 30 Aug 2020 06:58

08.00 UTC 30.08.2020 Well it’s day seven of our travels from A Coruna to Madeira and all’s well or should I say ‘swell’!


Overnight 20 – 28kts with following 2-3 m seas has made us  review some of our storage plans for the future.


Well, who in their right mind would have put a handy can storage cupboard in the galley?


Kev and I have to tackle the’ find the can of …….’ job together. Imagine a washing machine on spin cycle but the load isn’t your undies but tins of beans, sardines and tangerines and you want to remove one item only!


Procedure for the offshore sailing manual: 2 person can retrieval

1: Swear at  the can cupboard in anticipation ( a bit like the Hakka ritual before NZ rugby team  goes into battle.)

2: Position either side of the cupboard, to try to avoid any direct strikes on initial door opening.

3: Agree who will open and close the cupboard door, who is the forager and who will return spillage during the forage.

4:Brace yourself ( there will be no time to rebalance and reposition your footing once the door is opened , without risk of injury!)

5:Open the cupboard door, produce a lot of flailing arm, crashing of cans to the back of the shelves and expletives until the cry of ‘I’ve got it’ and the door slams shut.


Job done but note to self, next time take out 2 cans of beans to compensate for energy used.


Having a lovely time, wish you were here, although I expect you don’t!


J & K xx