Tortola, BVI

Wandering Dream
Steve Litson
Sun 22 Feb 2015 23:37

18:23:1N 064:42:1W

Soper's Hole, Tortola, BVI
19th February 2015

Gun Creek, Virgin Gorda
We spent the night at Gun Creek, which was a resort with sing along entertainment for everyone. We were well anchored off but could still hear it in the distance. Once we judged it over, we went ashore, but still found it going on and two adults being knight by the self acclaimed king of the Isles. We moved on to a meal quick as possible...very expensive!

The Baths
Up early and away by 0700 to the baths, natural pools created by huge boulders, with beautiful turquoise waters all around. unfortunately, when we arrived the National Parks Authority had deemed it too dangerous to approach due to the large swell. We moved on to Trellis Bay, Tortola. A secluded anchorage near the airport. very pretty with local run beach bars and a small market.

Trellis Bay, Tortola, and the Damsel in Distress
We picked up a mooring after four unsuccessful attempts to get our anchor to take on the shallow sand. That evening we were
approached on the dinghy dock by a young lady who was trying to find a Bavaria 46, Blue something, Australian flag. She was spending the night with them. We went up and down the moorings as she became more and more apologetic, we'd earned our angel wings she told us. Eventually, we found her not far from where we started. The young lady hopped off and then you the heavens opened. We were totally soaked by the time we reached WD.

We moved to Soper's Hole this morning. A glorious sunny day and fifteen knots of wind had us enjoying a peaceful three hour sail.

Thank Goodness the Hotwater Cylinder Pressure Release Valve Started to Blow!
Now that's something I never thought I'd say....
We found a mooring, Soper's Hole is very deep. We waited amongst the moorings until one came free.
We washed up after lunch and in doing so ran the hot water tap. Hang on, something is still running. We explored and found the pressure release was releasing into the bilges. We switched off the water pump and once we removed the engine housing to look for a cut stop cock, we discovered both fan belts almost broken. I had only checked the day before. For those of you who don't know WDs engine is sea water cooled and the fan belts drive this process and the alternator. Without this the engine would overheat very quickly, probably melt the exhaust etc. But luckily, it didn't, both fan belts now replaced. Phew that was a close call. I wonder how long they fan belts should last? Not sure I can do much about the pressure release valve. But we don't use hot water much and there is always the kettle. The cylinder is about fifteen years old and probably needs replacing. Any experts out there, it is a C.Warm storage heater. Made in Letchworth Hertfordshire.

Tomorrow, we catch the ferry to St Johns USVI to try and get the necessary passport stamps to take WD into US territorial waters.