Crazy night!

Take Off
Jörgen Wennberg
Wed 3 Dec 2014 22:51
The night from tuesday 2nd of dec to wednesday 3rd of dec was by far the
craziest night for Take Off in the Atlantic. Wind speeding 25-30 knots non-stop
till late this morning. If only the waves had followed the same path as the
wind, however they came from both sides roling the boat pretty heavily leaving
all of us quite sleepless. We all felt that we were now tired of the strong
wind. We are really looking forward to some more normal sailing tempo. According
to the weather forecast these strong winds were not predicted so we didn’t even
know when to look forward to more calm weather. Finally at around lunch today
the wind dropped steadily to 20 knots allowing us to sail with the spinnaker so
the boat sails more smooth through the waves.
And what a lovely afternoon we’ve had today! Sunshine, stable trade winds
at 18-22 knots, a calmer sea, Take Off surfing gently through the sea, Nils’
first attempt of fishing and the kids stuck to the iPad. Today was the
very-looking-forward-to “iPad-day”.
Sundowner, dinner and hopefully all night with spinnaker. Tonight is a
beautiful night, the half moon gives us a splendid moon shade lighting up the
sails and we clearly see the horizon and all the stars!
Take Off with Louise |