latest buzz, Days 16-20

Verplank/ Picot
Wed 20 Apr 2011 16:42
34.20.370N 11.44.305W It would appear that weâve lost the use
of the Skymate messaging system. Not certain when that happened. We made
in to Madeira on Sunday afternoon, and discovered that the marina did not have
enough fuel to accommodate us. They got a fuel delivery on Monday afternoon,
however the surge at the fuel dock made fueling a little risky so we fueled at
06:30 Tuesday morning. While at the Quinta Do Lorde Marina, some of the
crew took a sight seeing tour, while the others cleaned, went on mountain
bike reconnoiter, or inspected work to be done. We were shocked at how good the
service was, to the point that we were convinced that they had ugly skeletons in
some closet. The staff could not do enough for us. We cannot recall better
service anywhere.
Madeira is a beautiful island, and we are looking forward to spending more
time there soon.
We make tracks for the Straits of Gibraltar at 08:10 local time Tuesday,
after taking on fuel, changing engine oil, and fuel filters. Motor sailed most
of Tuesday, and put 200 miles behind us in 24 hours. We took on a few passengers
in the form of pigeons. They spent the night, and in the morning they were
dubbed Flotsam and Jetsam (Flotsam is the grey and white, Jetsam is white and
gray). They each sport I.D. bands, maybe someone can Google these numbers:
Flotsam 9210205 Portugal, PR2 2009, Jetsam 340233 Portugal 13. Our
new guest reside on the poop deck of course. Otherwise here we are motor
sailing, 308 miles from the straits.