Update 26/5

Stromboli comes home
John and Sue Chadwick
Sun 27 May 2007 00:21
We're at 36:24.15N 39:18.24W We've had a nice couple of days - calm sea fair winds - and all the while knocking off the miles-to-go. Today (being Saturday) was our weekly wash day so we had the solar shower rigged up on the foredeck and we now all smell fine (well at least finer than we all did this morning). We also passed '500-to-go' today + 'skippers longest sea-passage' so we opened the rest of our goody bags and shared 2 tiny bottles of Piper Hiedseik before dinner. (Oh and we had an extra beer with lunch.) Our weather router is giving us fair winds all the way into the Azores - veering S and then SW'ly and becoming stronger. Right now we're in a gentle force 3 SE'ly and we're heading (rather slowly!) on our 'rhumb line' to Flores.

One of my goody items is a sort of 'laughing bag' - you press a red button and get manical laughter. Fia Tira called up on the evening schedule so instead of replying ' Fia Tira this is Stromboli' we gave them the manical laughter. (Out here its the simple things that amuse!) Anyway they had a laugh. In terms of arrival in Flores for us it looks like Wednesday (Fia Tira will probably get in a day before). All well on board - just baked a new loaf and R has been tracking down a cheesy smell from the fridge. Now he's making coffee which we'll have with a wee dram, I guess. More to follow as and when. Love from Three Men Looking Forward to a Steak.

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