Tacking towards the Faroes
Sat 5 Jul 2014 18:03
We set off last evening to catch a tail wind at the start of our journey
before encountering forecast headwinds. The tail wind gave us a right old
pounding and coming from behind the cabin was soon wet with spray and rain.
Thankfully it gradually eased-I had two reefs in the mainsail and about
1/4 of the foresail showing –enough! Taking a reef in a mainsail or putting up a
storm jib once you are in bad weather is a risky nightmare-always important to
be ahead of the game. Fortunately there are no bad blows being forecast now-so
we tack to head East, then tack to head South, so gradually head South East. We
have done 100 miles on our first day-motor sailing for the latter part-and have
220 to go.
Here’s a picture of the gloomy scene as we left Iceland. Today started the
same way but this afternoon-sunshine-hurray! Love to all, Steve and
Trevor |