37:45.21N 06:16.38E
have had two days of perfect sailing weather, with calm seas and a steady 15-20
knot wind. The only problem has been that the wind is coming from exactly
the direction we need to go. We have sailed on long tacks to get against
it, but the distance made good towards Bizerte is just to slow. So, back
on with the motor, which is more effective now. We felt something wasn’t
right with it a couple of days back since we just weren’t getting the
normal boat speed for the power setting and it wouldn’t rev up to its
normal maximum, plus the prop seemed to vibrate a lot more. Anyhow, the
sea was calm enough this morning for me to go in for a shufti. There were
traces of a line or net around the prop.: presumably the rope cutter had dealt
with most of it, with just a few strands interfering with the blade
feathering. The water was bracing and unbelievably clear: the depth here
is 9000 feet and it was a bit creepy seeing the keel hanging above
oblivion. It was hard to judge the visability until half a dozen king
fish swam by: it must have been 200 or 300 feet. Of course I didn’t
have the speargun to hand so dinner swam away unmolested. I’ve got
the trolling gear out, but nothing so far. The engine is running now as
it should and giving us the normal water speed. It is just a shame that
the wind won’t back around to the north so that we could carry on
sailing. Aside from the noise, its a lot quicker (and cheaper). We’ve
decided to stop in at Tabarka, which is 40 miles closer since we’ve been
at this 5 days now, and 10 hours makes a big difference. We should be
there for luch tomorrow, inshallah. We have settled into a sort of watch
scheme which seems to work. The
catering has been luxurious: Andrea is working wonders with the food as at
home. Unfortunately the mutton Madras the other night when it was rough
went over the side (before eating it – we just couldn’t face it!)
which was a shame since it was a first class curry. |