Where has the
time gone? From Graciosa we
sailed down to Rosario on Fuerteventura leaving in the dark at 0530 (for some
reason that escapes me now) arriving at 1600 and spent Monday night and Tuesday
there. At midnight on Tuesday (the
latest we could stay without incurring another berthing fee) we set off
initially to anchor on the south of Fuerteventura on route to Las Palmas but the
bracket holding the kicker to the boom failed and we decided to go direct to Las
Palmas on Gran Canaria to give us more time to set a repair in motion before the
weekend. We had a brilliant, fast
sail across to Las Palmas, arriving around 1600 and went straight to a waiting
pontoon 28:07.69N,15:25.39W.
We have adopted a new policy
of not asking in advance for a berth but just rocking up where upon the friendly
staff do their best to help.
Nevertheless, Las Palmas was filling up with not-ARC (not Atlantic Rally
for Cruisers or NARCs) who, like us, had been waiting for the ARC boats to leave
and make some room. It is a big
marina with over 1200 berths but the key factor is the facilities, not showers
etc. which were adequate but, chandlers, riggers, sail repairs, marine
electronics, super markets, produce markets and lots mainly along the water
front by the marina gates.
Alisios, the riggers, looked at the broken kicker fitting and said it was
‘completely unsuitable for a boat our size’ and happened to have the correct one
for our one-year-old Sparcraft boom in his shop window. However, they were
extremely busy and didn’t think they could look at the job until the following
week! They did agree to look
the following day to check the fitting was suitable and, in the event, came down
and fitted it at the same time - result!
We also got several small jobs done on the boat and had the fridge
checked over because it was using a stupid amount of battery power. The outcome
of that was a new compressor was required and there happened to be one of these
sitting in the chandler’s window. This was fitted on Monday pm and the outcome
was a colder fridge, a great saving in battery amps and much less heat being
generated by the compressor.
With most of
the maintenance done by Friday, we did a lot of shopping on Saturday in Las
Palmas for stores for our Atlantic crossing proper. The supermarkets are geared up to
provisioning yachts and two trolleys worth of supplies were crated at the
check-out and subsequently delivered to the boat. We went to the beach for a swim on
Sunday and in the evening went out to dinner as it was Dave Tremain’s last night
on board. On Monday Brian did a
load of laundry and I bought another Camping Gaz bottle and refilled an almost
empty canister as we had not been able to get our Propane bottle refilled. We
had a coffee in the Sailors Bar before seeing Dave off to the airport by
taxi. The folding bikes were then
unfolded and we cycled up to the north end of the vast docks complex to get our
passports stamped out of Shengen Europe - baaaah. In the evening we filled water and diesel
and left for La Gomera. The forecast was not brilliant but not too bad either
and we were going to be mostly down wind but, in the event, in the wind
acceleration zone between Gran Canaria and Tenerife, it turned out to be one of
those ‘washing machine’ passages. I had also neglected to check the hatch on the
sail locker was dogged down and the sails and bow thruster got a soaking. But, with three reefs in the
main we made a fast passage arriving wet, dishevelled and tired.
The marina at
San Sebastian 28:05.01N,17:06.53W could only offer us a space for one night
(although that changed later) and we took it. Sail bags and the locker were
dried out. In the pm Annie Linley
and Gavin Fennel who spend a lot of time on La Gomera, called by for a tea and
offered to show us around the town where Columbus had spent time. Afterwards we had a drink in the town
square and were able to watch the second half of England versus
On Tuesday we
agreed to take the boat to the port of Vueltas because we had to leave the
marina and also because it was closer to the Fennel residence. Vueltas was only a few hours motoring;
although we set off with a good sailing breeze, this died as we moved into the
sheltered side of the island. The
only berth in the port was alongside a wall built for commercial ships and the
swell was significant giving our ropes and fenders a bashing. We left the boat, with some trepidation,
to eat in a fish restaurant on the dockside and on our return, the motion seemed
worse (extreme) and we agreed to take turns to check the ropes and fenders
during the night. Around midnight,
when I was ‘watching’, the aft mooring cleat pulled off shearing two 10mm
stainless bolts at deck level. The
rest of the team got up and we decided to pull into the middle of the dock and
anchor which was not allowed in case we got in the way of the ferries. We had to
postpone Gavin’s kind invitation to show us the island the following day and we
couldn’t have left the boat unattended anyway. We got the anchor in by seven am and
sailed for one of the more sheltered anchorages on the southeast coast. That’s where we are now. Tomorrow, Dec 2nd, we return
to San Sebastian marina where we have four nights booked because the weather
goes foul and south westerly for a few days as a depression sweeps through.
Where have the trade winds gone? We
aim to set off for Cabo Verde on Tuesday.