Blog Post 4 - Long Beach to Dana Point

Blog Post #4 – Long Beach to Dana Point July 9, 2015 33:27.66N 117:42.33W It was 4:00AM on Thursday, July 9th 2015 – We are finally ready. Everything is packed and stowed, we are stuffed to the gills with food and Jirig is doing his last minute checks o The ride out of the harbor was smooth. Beyond the breakwater the sea was calm and the sky was overcast with low clouds and fog. Nico went back to bed. The sunrise was beautiful. We are headed to Dana Point. The ride was uneventful and easy going. We arrived at Dana Point Harbor at about 3PM. They have guest docks but none for a boat our size so we have to anchor in the harbor. That was a bit of a challenge. There is a lot of current in that marina and the bottom is slippery muck and mud. When Jirig was finally satisfied that the anchor would hold we got in the dingy for a tour down memory lane. We lived in Capistrano Beach and kept a 11 meter Trojan Express in the Dana Point Marina for 3 years. Nico was born We went to the sea wall where Jirig, Daniel and I sat on the morning of my C-Section of Nico and wondered what he was going to be like and look like. Now 12 years later he has grown into a fine young man. We headed back to the boat to sleep for our first night of our trip. We are up at 4:00 AM again tomorrow and headed to Chula Vista. |