Fw: Happy Christmas from Simon and Gosia at Safesailing

Tue 16 Dec 2008 15:25
We would like to wish everyone a very
Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year
. We are just finishing the final preparations on Black Arrow for our
Round The World Trip, leaving Lymington in August 2009. We still have new
standing rigging to fit!
. We have started a standby list for anyone that would like to do a part
of the trip. The cost is only £20 per day. This is a limited offer, in case
we have space on any of the legs. Full details are on the website or call
. This year Simon has been skippering for the Ocean Youth Trust Scotland
on there Challenge 72 boats. You can find pictures taken during the trips
the website.
. In December and next year Simon is Skippering the Challenger 72 boats
for the Tall Ships Trust, as well as running courses on Black Arrow.
. In between all of this, Simon is available for own boat tuition and
deliveries of all power and sail Yachts.
. The Round the world expedition will come to an end in February 2011 in
Brazil. We would like to spend some time there, working as volunteers,
supporting local health services, as Gosia is an Audiologist. We are
for someone to support this work, so if anyone knows of a company that
could sponsor us please let us know.
. If anyone is looking to do a theory course, I would highly recommend
Southern Sailing. I have worked for them over the last 20 yrs, they have a
solid back ground of running good courses, with John Goode at the helm for
the last 35yrs. tel: 01489 575511
"Visit 'The Polar Front' for a taste of Arctic exploration onboard Yacht
Polar Bear (Challenge 72). Climbing, skiing, kayaking and exploration from
our mobile base camp in the north... Where will your next adventure take
WEBSITE www.safesailing.co.uk email simon {CHANGE TO AT} safesailing {DOT} co {DOT} uk Tel: 07710