Rehua into action
Rehua’s blog: route and anchorage stops
Mon 27 Apr 2015 17:15
COG 255
SOG 5.5 knts
All is well on Rehua! After a few lazy days we decided some action is needed: we are doing laundry, cleaning, baking bread and may even attempt some schoolwork tomorrow :-)
It's taken us a while to get back into the sailing routine and we have another 3 or 4 weeks of non-stop sailing to do before we get to the Marquesas. So some routine is needed... The nightshifts are still tough and last night there were a few fishing boats (laying long lines with only one strobe at each end) around who weren't showing on the AIS so we had to keep an active eye around.
We've had a few more visitors including two red-footed boobies. Amazing sight! Pictures to follow at some point ...
Finally the gribs we are downloading have come good, the last week has been a lottery out here everything from 0 to 30knts and ferocious current switches which makes for an uncomfortable ride at times. We are beating up to the Galapagos 45 degrees (apparent) not blistering pace, but we are making good ground averaging 5.5knts with full main and 130% genoa.
THe barometer is crying wolf here which upsets me greatly, it dropped 4mb yesterday in two hours, the sky gave nothing away, but I double reefed and waited, nothing, nada, zilcho!
So if some kind informative soul will explain I would be most grateful.
By the way red footed bobbies have blue beaks!