Its so cold here!!

Red Arrow
Rich Hume & Tom Barnes
Sun 10 Jan 2010 11:17
Hello everybody,
I Heard It Is cold over There....................get over It!!!
So its me again and i have no idea what tom wrote on the last blog entry, but im guessing you can tell the difference between our styles! We've now had 3 days of really calm seas and have been able to make fairly good progress. Lets hope it continues for longer. We do have a slightly irritating cross wind today which is making rowing slow but hopefully it will go by the end of the day.
There isnt a whole lot to tell you about. Red arrow is performing well, no problems yet except our VHF Radio isnt working great but there is no reason why it shouldnt. And there is no way to test it. The annaoying thing is, you dont know weather its yours or their's thats not working correctly. It forced us to put a flare up last night but there wasnt any major problems, it was just a small sailing boat. The main problem was the smell of the finished flare. I was panacking all shift as to why i was farting without realising it. The smell of bad eggs was gross, thankfully it turned out to be the flare and not my bum. Which, for you guys who care, is looking and feeling a bit sore right now. But dont worry, i will put the photo's up once i get home onto the website.
So, thats it today. Happy birthday Renayolds (no doubt spelt wrong, but what a rediculas name!), by the way, i forgot to press spell check on my last blog, so im sorry if the spelling was rubbish! I also no have a beared that us about .50 of a cm. Its looking very ruggared at the monent, looking out the window at tom, i reckon its more of a bum fluff. Look at him row..........."tom, hurry up".
Speak to you soon guys.