Ship's Log
Rebel T
Tim Walsh
Sun 11 May 2008 19:09
Dear All
The last 48 hours have been a little exasperating, we have experienced very
light winds with calm seas , our overall position is however only 80 miles
adrift of our passage plan. That said crew find light wind sailing a trial
and days are occupied with various activities that have ranged from cleaning
the boat, reading, games ,eating goes without saying , it is the daily
social and the weather on the aft saloon deck lends itself to memorable
dinners in the setting sun, this after all is a very comfortable boat.
However I should not forget also some fishing. THE item I have had Jon
aboard various sailing trips (deliveries) over the last four years on the
self stated prowess as a sea angler of note. 25 thousand miles later and
finally he produces the goods, a rather fine dolphin fish. I appeared on
deck after my watch of to view the scene of crew scurrying in all directions
as the two fishing rods over the back end were spooling like mad with line
flying of the reels. REBEL on auto helm in very light winds was very
sedately moving NE at around 3.5 knots in 4.8 knots of a light SE breeze. I
am immediately told to get the gaff and land the specimen being hauled in on
the port aft hull. Job no sooner done and I am told of the big one that got
away on the other rod.......... but more than one person saw the big one and
who am I to question the crew exploits !!! That said perhaps it was
providence the big one did shall we say swim away. For the rather good size
fish that was landed gave more that a few problems to get aboard and
dispatch before we could remove the hook. It had a truly fine set of lower
and upper teeth that had cut the lure clean off, and but for the wire strop
would also have gone awol. But the vision of three men trying to apprehend
the fish landed and prevent it doing any damage to themselves was
interesting to say the least. I recalled Tim ( Boat Owner's comment about a
blood bath in the after saloon deck area when they caught fish on the
passage out). There was blood but thankfully not to much. The big brut may
have been a touch different. And from the rather large size described one
fish in a boat and three men outside was a distinct scenario.
The evening activity today has been one of a towed swim behind Rebel with
again Maximus a truly inspirational sail supplying the power to Rebel as we
sailed at three knots North Eastwards.In dead flat seas. 715nm into the
Weather apart which we are now sure is due to a very large high ahead and
to the North east of us , all is well with ship's company. On board daily
maintenance of heads , electrics and deck gear , shackles, chafe etc is
attended too. All systems are operating properly and despite the rather
windless situation on board morale is very good. Discussions range from who
should been eaten first should the weather (wind disappear for good ) to
four a new four week record being set by four men and a boat to move 100
miles rowing. Jon comment , David were does Tim stow the oars, he's got
everything else on the boat they must be some where...........
Tim Rebel is in fine shape and your crew are working towards the Azores
despite the High Pressure area. The seas are at this moment calmer than
those of the Blackwater, all be it hundreds of miles out in the Atlantic. We
let Barry into the Tim's mooring secret on the chart plotter last night, he
did not know where the boat was kept. When shown the Blackwater mooring and
then I clocked up the position on the plotter, distance, Lat long etc and
hay presto up comes the magical number 3286 miles to run , the last thing we
heard Barry say as he hit the floor was hay!! We all realised that he had
just clocked on to the fact that no wind a long way to go and eating might
be a problem. It was amusing to say the least. The first aid kit was hastily
opened, but disappointingly was not required as Barry regained his
equilibrium rather quickly when he saw Tony and myself creasing our sides
with laughter.
In all seriousness though we are factoring in a decision date/time for
possible contingency should the weather not break within the next 48hours.
Today we suspect that the winds and weather pattern are on the move as
general wind direction has backed to SW and Rebel's Heading currently is 060
degrees which is straight at the Azores, but more importantly does indicate
that the weather systems are on the move once again. Our 1st week out of St.
Lucia had a long range forecast of very light winds and calm weather.
Sailing at night in less than 5knots of breeze Rebel still manages to
achieve 3.8/4 knots under Maximus. A truly fine sail , that said over the
past 48 hours we have used every combination in the book to keepour average
speeds up.
I trust that all goes well for one and all at home in the UK. AS the
master/owner of this vessel would say love and kisses to all.
Rebel is fast approaching the completion of her first one thousand miles on
her way home to Mersea.
Regards David.
PS. The fish was an excellent eat, eight massive steaks each. Truly