Santiago de Compostela
42:52.84N 08:32.65W Today we caught a bus to Santiago de Compostela. This, for those like us who didn’t know, is a very holy
place where St James walked to 2000 years ago and converted many to
Christianity. Having been killed in Judea his body was transported back
to Spain by sea covered in scallop shells and buried at Santiago. When
his grave was found some 800 years later by a shepherd the area became a major
pilgrimage site. Today it is a medieval city full of cathedrals, plazas and
narrow windy streets and has become very touristy with lots of shops selling
shepherds and scallop shells. We did however succumb to the Tarta de
Santiago – a tart with an icing sugar cross on the top! Many people still walk to Santiago along the old pilgrimage
route and the city was full of hikers looking very elated having spent 30-60
days walking 780km from the Pyrenees. |