
I am sure that pictures are
enough for most people to get an impression of our stay in the
Maybe there are one or two who enjoy reading a bit of
description of what we got up to, as Their was little time
to Write much before we left I
will fill in with some of the stories. Because the To the market that is available is either Honeymooners or
wealthy tourist who wish to go somewhere a little
different, So there are not many tourist and the ones that are there
are wanting their seclusion so it is all very low key. There is
Also a problem with the Value of their currency, as you
are offered 1 ½ times bank rate for
either dollars or euro`s. Nearly everything is imported and the locals have to
arrange with the bank if they wish to make a large purchase
from Abroad. So if you have Euro`s in your pocket you are a
King. After
spending a few day`s on Mahe getting to know the local`s and enjoying being
amongst other cruising boats again We set out to visit the other Islands, Praslin Home of
the Coco de Mer or love nut was our first and closest point, after
a Good sail over we pulled in for a snorkel before heading
into our anchorage. It is always exciting when you are at a
new Set of Were not to be disappointed, great fish life and
different species although the Coral was in very poor condition
again. A good
night was spent tucked into a little lagoon where the charter fleet is based,
the following morning we
set Of on foot to find the Valee
de Mer home of the Coco de Mer. One of the reasons why the
The original Garden of Eden. See enclosed photo, pretty
self explanatory. The Coco de
Mer or love nut.
For many years these were
washed up on foreign shores with absolutely nobody able to explain their origin
as the Had yet to be discovered. Have also enclosed a picture of
the Male and Female palm tree, The Male Palm stand next to and
above The Female. That’s for any botanist out there makes a
change from fish and coral. If you look
close at the tall one you will see why it is the
Male After a few
hours of walking on the Roads and forest it is always a relief to get out to a
bay and get back into the water to cool off And enjoy a good snorkel, Great Fish and an encounter
with reef shark to keep us amused that afternoon. On our way to find ourselves a
Place to park for the night we heard that their was a tsunami warning for our
area, Their had been another
earthquake In The memory of the destruction
still left behind in A
great relief, especially as Will and De had arranged to go diving the following
day and we were not sure if they would still be Able to operate the following day should anything have
occurred. Their were two Jetty and the bow anchored from the middle of the harbour
we stuck out a bit from the rest of the cat`s and shallow
draught Boats. But hay the weekend was coming and this was a very
laid back sort of place no one was very much worried. So
the Following three days were
spent exploring an Music one of the pleasures in
life that we don’t come in contact with that often. The Beaches one facing onto the pounding surf. We ate mainly
on the boat as De had landed her first big fish a good yellow fin
Tuna Which feed the four of us for three meals. At the end of
the weekend about 10.30 on Monday we were told that their was a
boat Arriving to take rubbish of the island and they wanted a
bit more of their harbour back, by which time we were ready to
continue On. De had heard on the radio in
So it was decided that we should check it
out. Penguin In Harbour La Digue. From La Digue to cousine was a pleasant sail with good
winds, on arriving we tucked in on the lee side of the island and anchored for
lunch. It was also decided to contact the Island Staff and see if we would be
welcome to take a look around, They told us that Their was only two luxury bungalows occupied the other
three were vacant, but that it was going to be diffucult for us to get
ashore With a dinghy as the waves
were pounding the beaches. Not ones to be deterred after lunch we took the
dinghy close in to the beach and then swam in through the surf, our
determination was not to be unrewarded. Cousine is a privately owned
As a nature reserve there is a husband and wife team who
are the wardens, it also has five luxury bungalows for tourist to rent,
the Aim being for the
No predator animals including
no rats or cats the Birds have little fear of man
so we were able to get right next to the nesting birds and check out the chicks
including a baby tern that had broken
out from the egg that morning. Their was also a number of Giant tortoises
on the Vegetable garden. At the end of the tour we were invited
to take a look around one of the vacant bungalows which was
superb. What a place
for a weeks holiday or honeymoon, I highly recommend it. We had to swim back out through the surf
to the Dinghy Which Niamh had brought in to
collect us and then we moved over into the lee of a neighbouring
And I still cant windsurf properly. So that was pretty
much it De had been with us for nearly three weeks and her time was Up, Back out
to the Airport and home to Ireland. Within a couple more days Penguin would be
getting port clearance and on her way South following the Sun down into the southern
hemisphere. As a result of our contacts in the
Source of weather information
and keep us in contact with other boats sailing around. The first three days out
of the Was rough and windy and on one attempt to enter a lagoon
pass I managed to catch a ride on a breaking wave, filling the
back Of the boat with water and eventually also getting sea
water into or diesel and stopping the engine. At first this was not a
problem As I changed the filters and restarted everything, but
the engine died again and whilst restarting it again some water must have been
in the fuel pump which resulted in the destruction of a shaft in the pump
resulting in no more diesel getting through to the Cylinders and no more engine. As is the way from then
onwards the wind became progressively lighter as we tried to sail
down To the
One for my wife in case she has forgotten what I look
like, The most flattering one I can
find to keep her Interested. The French Gendarmes picked us
up and towed us into The Comoro’s
In a later diary but I will wet your appetite with the
following words World Cup Rugby, French people the most sociable in
the World. But I will complete the Engine story,, It is now official I am the luckiest man
in the world. 1} The most
brilliant French mechanic Jerome made
amazing efforts to get us sorted and working again. 2} I have fantastic contacts
back in Whom I would never have been able to source a
replacement in such a short time. 3} The Gendarme parked us next to a boat who
had a person in Hamble To drive up and down the south
coast of Pump. A very rare commodity,
In our possession 6000 miles away
from On day ten we finally heard the sound of a Perkins Diesel
engine. I had spent 8 out of the
previous 10 days making all efforts to Get things going again and by
the time our pump arrived from Get us started and going. This next Part is the whole reason I am
making an effort to put this diary together now. During the trip from
We are proposing to invite any of our friends to join in
on the passages. We will keep two berths free and all you have to do
should You wish to experience a leg is let me know so that we
can get it organised and book the berth, We are hoping that Niamhs
Farther And my brother will show
themselves, But after the tales and scrapes we have gotten ourselves into maybe
everyone will be happier just reading the accounts. To follow is our Passage plans for our
return to Sweet dreams.
Passage Distance Passage Time Allowed Date dept Expt Date arrive