9 am Thursday 23rd January 2020, 12:02.4N 61:13.3W

Greg Paine
Thu 23 Jan 2020 11:27
9 am Thursday 23rd January 2020, 12:02.4N 61:13.3W
We now have only 21 miles to go to reach
We are now approaching the end of the first
Trans-Atlantic sail for most of us but the last 24 hours has been a list of
The last day of catering from our excellent in-house
caterer, Jan, who is currently writing her book, working title, "Tips and
tales from the galley"
The last flavoured nautical vocab from the galley as
the rogue wave pounces just at the worst moment for Jan. Usually
depositing pots, pans, cups glasses etc on the galley
The last sail
The last repair to our
The last afternoon Matinee showing
on screen 2 which was the last episode of "Capture" recommended by all the
The last evening film on
screen 1....."We bought a zoo".
The last night watches.
Hopefully the last day of Atlantic squalls, yesterday was more continuous
rain than squalls it was like a typical summers day on the Solent.
THE LAST DAY OF RICHARDS TEETOTALISM......EVER. Not a drop for the entire
trip, we are all amazed and impressed.
Last nights film was interrupted by a torrent of angry Patois from a
nearby fishing boat which originally we were comfortably passing
port to port. The fishing boat then altered course to cross ahead of
us and pass to starboard and although we could hear the loud shouted
messages over the VHF, not one of us could make out one word. It was
English but not as we know it. He had a companion boat some distance
further to starboard, it was dark and we could only make out their
lights, but we now assume they had nets between them. It was slightly
concerning when he turned to follow us just off our stern to port but they
eventually left after Greg repeatedly gave our position over vhf and asked why
they were following us.
Today is full sun, clear sky and 30 C.
We are now looking forward to our firsts.....
Our first Caribs
Our first Rum punches
Our first meal when we don't have to hold the plates, glasses etc to the
table for fear of them ending up on the floor.
Our first free-flow showers.
Our fist walks of more than 15m.
Our first sleep without continual rocking and rolling.
Kevin is looking forward to his first landing in the Caribbean.
The end is near for our trip. Highly enjoyable with memories to last
a lifetime.