Gaining Momentum: Tahiti, Flying, and Fun!

One Point Zero
Howard Fairbank
Sat 18 Jun 2016 15:23

                                17:19.73S 149:33.90W


The Now

Cap Capricorn crosses its name sake:   Around midnight last night we crossed the Tropic of Capricorn, the southern most 'turning point' for the sun's north / south 12 o' clock dead overhead journey. It's always special for me: Yeah another human defined line, but sort of not so as Nature defines it!  That 23.3 degree line and its link to our Planet's axis tilt, so critical for the whole balance and life as know it.

Full steam ahead. An ever changing sea and horizon as we spin past the sun!

Full steam ahead. An ever changing sea and horizon as we spin past the sun!

This crossing makes it my 9th surface crossing  and the 5th ocean crossing of the Tropic, the other four in yachts, and the land surface ones were a combination of bicycle, motorcycle and car.. There is something special travelling by surface.... And hmmm, there is something special with that high altitude view..... Will i ever see our planet from up there again????   Now that's challenging my early day commitment!

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