Ondina Day 8
Sun 2 Dec 2007 16:29
Day 8
Caught our first tuna yesterday, a small benito, and had planned to have
sushi, however with the rolling sea and our rolling stomachs somehow we
could not face it. We’ve also lost two lures so obviously some big fish
got away! So the tuna ended back in the sea without its tale and head.
We’re about 350 miles from halfway and have covered 1035 miles so far so
making real progress with good steady winds and big following seas.
Charlie is off to bed again as he has only had 14 sleep today so far…. We
opened our 7 day presents last night over a celebration dinner of steak
(out of dog bowls as usual) dinner which was a real morale boost – thanks
for all the chocolates and trivial pursuit J, the Daddy T shirt Sarah and
the ginger chocolate from Ginge and the jelly beans. The trivial pursuit
is already a great success thanks to J for the generous present. We put
the clocks one hour back today as we noticed it was still light until late
last night and realised that it might have something to do with our
heading west! Sleeping has become quite a challenge as the boat is
rolling heavily, so that you have to find a way of wedging yourself in to
keep still. We spoke on the VHF to the yacht which has water coming
through its keel bolts last night as they were only two miles from us
making for the Cape Verdes. They have the situation under control and
seem to be fine but they were pleased that other boats were nearby. Fresh
food is almost finished so there is the daunting prospect of corn beef on
the horizon although Mark is convinced we will love it. Today we saw
dolphin, a whale the size of the boat and our first flying fish. We just
need Charlie to catch some more fish or the corn beef is in the dog bowl.