Not sorry to leave Agadir

Ocean Rainbow
James (Skipper) & Claire (best crew in the world)
Sun 27 Oct 2013 09:51
29.17.500N 012.47.326W
Agadir is the Costa del Sol of Morocco so unless, like us, you wish to climb a nostalgic honeymoon sand dune we recommend giving the place a miss!   The marina staff were very friendly but the sanitary facilities were simply atrocious and virtually unusable; it won’t  be long before the marina waters turn into a cess pit!  Sadly the bureaucracy was also a significantly annoying factor with very long delays in returning passports on departure causing all yachts huge problems.  We got away on time but we were one of the lucky ones.    We loved Morocco and would recommend a visit but Bouregreg Marina is the only comfortable and secure place to stay.   Rabat is where you have everything that is best about Morocco at your finger tips or only a train ride away.