Nyaminyami II Blog Tuesday 26.11.13 - 2000hrs

By Chris Haworth. If Monday night was an awesome display of the celestial heavens, last night was a black beauty! Dead running in 15/20 knots, goose winged in a decent swell – 7.5 knots of boat speed...couldn’t see a thing! Tricky and weird on the helm, easy to become disorientated, with no horizon, a bit like a full ‘white out’. Sailing by the instruments and thinking..... if anyone goes over the side you would never find them – maximum caution and clipped on at all times! However, in the blackness the ocean treated us to the marine equivalent of a November 5th pyrotechnic display, of stunning phosphorescence - fascinating and mesmerising, the wake of the boat filled with an ever-changing ‘sparkle’, plumes and clouds and flashes of bright light on the crests of little wave tops all around us. Time for some more mind boggling! – The Ocean fills 70% of the planet’s surface, provides the water of life to the land and sustains us. We treat her with little respect, often raping her of her harvest, polluting her at times and yet she keeps on giving, even like the treat she shared tonight – oh that we might be so generous! We put the auto helm on to eat together at about 2100hrs (amazingly effective given the wind and swell running). Last night’s supper was Roast leg of Chicken, potato mashed with a little cream, fried aubergine, cauliflower in white source followed by fruit salad and coffee – Jane, if the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach... will you marry me? Dawn arrived, the sky cleared to reveal glorious sunshine – kite up, fishing lines in (!!) 15/20 knots all day, champagne conditions! Heading more or less due west on port, wind veered to the south east. All weather info. shows VERY tricky conditions ahead with a massive area of expanding low pressure and no wind... then another one! No obvious way through. Most of the fleet heading south but Grib files show a possibility of an escape, through a weather maze, due west - risky and expecting at least two days of ‘the bag’ at Salcombe, from Thursday onwards - alternative seems to be 200 miles south of the Cape Verdes – we’re going for it....We’re on a flyer to the right...good old days! Grubs up, life is good – Love from us all – to All. |