Morocco and Gibraltar 17th Oct-5th Nov

Tangier as warned; not much to offer although we made the best of it with a very affable local guide in Jamal, who showed us the markets and introduced us to some traditional Moroccan fare.
station was crowded with end-of-Ramadan home-goers. Some possibly without
tickets, or the right credentials; sufficient, anyhow, for the bull-necked
station master and his equally (coincidentally?) bull-necked assistant to grab
them, punch and slap them. I was personally warned not to take too close an
interest. (Suddenly) The kebab sandwiches from the buffet were, I thought,
particularly interesting. It was young soldier conscripts who seemed the most
intent on helping people get past the wrath of the ogres and on to home-bound
trains. Very
excited to be on the “Marrakesh Express”, overnight sleeper! We boarded like a
bunch of kids on a school outing, all fighting for the top bunks, which needless
to say were “shotgunned” (!!) by Lauren and Maddie. Slept superbly all the way
and woke to a peach dawn approaching
Much to my
dismay and severe embarrassment, Sally immediately bought a (very nice) scarf
from a guy without so much as a barter. I ran away up the alley muttering
something about “what an insult”, much to Lauren’ chagrin, who didn’t realise
that my manhood had just been inadvertently insulted. Sadly I
was never once afforded a traditional Arabic greeting, requiring a customary
exchange (something which I enjoyed in In
addition the starting prices in the souks are ridiculously high; they are set
for a very false “tourists routine” which starts at half the initial asking
price etc. Of course the tourists subsequently pay (we did) what they think is a
bargain price. Infact, too late, we found that much better prices (and quality)
is now to be found in the small traders shops outside the
souks. Although
we all dressed conservatively and respectfully walking the streets with Lauren
was a chore (endless jokes about trading her for camels were the nicest comments
made), and Sally was propositioned . Very sad. I thought that by now we should
have reached a stage where if our women are respecting their traditions and
religious standards, Moroccans will respect our women. Boy do we all have a long
way to go. Took a
trip miles away to visit waterfalls, in a Berber area (very gentle pleasant
people, or maybe just out-of-townees), and a suspiciously hippy river gorge for
“campers”. Met Bob Marley, who I thought………..
The above
bad bits notwithstanding Back on
the overnight express which we caught in a panic of mistaken train times, and
back to Tarifa in Grim,
miserable weather and first night back a gale storm. Everyone double their
lines, but at three in the morning a surge of water threw us at the quay which
smashed into our Hydrovane self-steering gear. A morning dismantling revealed a
bent shaft casing, and jammed shaft. Fortunately later in the week I was able to
track down “Metal Mike” and we found that straightening the stainless steel
casing was enough to enable us to set the internal shaft straight on its
bearings. A nasty close shave on
expensive cross Atlantic equipment! Two hot
sunny days, and then just before Will is due to arrive more miserable weather.
In a
bizarre development we are obliged to move our boat from the end of the marina
due to complaints that we are “a danger and a hazard to the RAF”. Now it’s a
while since I’ve been able to say anything like I’m a danger to the RAF, but as
an ex-Lancaster Bomber navigator I know Dad will be proud to hear it
(?!!). Will flies
in and we celebrate with an exotic food shopping expedition (sort of) and some
splendid cold beers and tapas ~ on the Spanish side. The plan is to leave Sunday
am…………..however unfortunately the weather looks so bad that we are advised by
the locals, and by our own forecasts to postpone 24hours. So here we are….still
in Gib, but determined to leave in the morning. Bound for We made the most of a grey day and walked to the top of The Rock and visited St Michaels Cave, well worth the climb for the views and a spectacular show cave.