Blog Sunday 21st July 2019

Martin Ransome
Sun 11 Aug 2019 15:52
Position 49:42 N 018:02W

We departed from Horta 0700 GMT 12th July 2019. Chris Simpson had to leave the boat in the Azores as he had to fly to the UK to see his son Adam and then home to Venezuela after over 4 months on the boat. Not too sure how we will get on without his fishing keeping us in fresh fish, luckily we still have some Sword fish in the freezer. After three so called electrical experts looking at our Fisher Panda generator we sailed with it still not producing electricity.
Winds were light and did not give us much speed. 15th July saw us enter the Azores calm. 17th July the wind arrived after being becalmed for nearly 3 days, cruising chute up and we were making way towards Scotland. The wind increased over the next couple of days and we were making 5 - 6 knots with the main reefed down to first reef. 20th July, wind still increasing and motion becoming a little uncomfortable. Engine again discovered to be full of water, we are convinced that the high following seas are entering the engine exhaust as all the exhaust valves now closed by Craigh.
21st July took down the main and rolled in the genoa to make a very small jib, still doing 5-7 kts in rough following to beam on 5/7 meter seas.

Martin and Craigh