Race Delay

Sun 25 Nov 2012 10:10
Morning all. Sunday.
Nick here with a group email if you don’t mind, satellite telephony being costly still.
Race Day today, except that our cruising division has been offered a delay of 48 hours to let the hefty Southerly blow through.
We have accepted that offer and we will watch from the land, the hard nut racing teams head out this morning.
Boat’s ready, couple of small things still to do, but fundamentally we are set. Nice looking trade winds for Wednesday....
Here are a few links to keep in touch, track our progress and all that sort of thing....
The actual ARC website is:- www.worldcruising.com
http://blog.mailasail.com/maryjocrew for the blog thingy that you can go to in order to find news from us (after this email to you, I will only send news to the blog.)
To email me direct, the email address is:- maryjocrew {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com (please keep the emails text only - no links, attachments etc.) Very very happy to hear from you.
So, two more days to study, relax, shower and take our leave from one of the most hospitable islands I have ever visited.
Viva Las Palmas!
Viva la viva!