Things that go bump in the night.
Lion King
Mr Roy Ellis, Skippered by Geoff Evans
Wed 14 Nov 2012 12:01
Position 17.01.7N 037.18.6W
All is well, the mileage continues to be eaten away and we seem to be
through the worst of the rain, thunder and lightening. yesterday was a fantastic
sailing day and Bob broke the speed record for trip so far with a great surf at
11.4 knots, well done Bob. Matt continues to be the shinning star always willing
to help, great sense of humour and generally all round great guy. Glad he is on
board. Paul is now back to full health and although not really into cooking
makes the best cup of tea, he is getting better at steering the boat but still
finds it not easy in a following sea with nothing much to aim at. Now to things
that go bump in the night. With the constant and unrelenting noise the boat
makes sailing downwind one tends to get complacent. Just another new noise,
another new bump, another new bang and last night was no different.
Unfortunately I have caught the bug that Paul so generously brought onto the
boat, thanks Paul, and Natalie very generously offered to do my 0000-0300 watch.
Her watch went off without a hitch and Bob to over for his three hours. At
around 0530 I was woken by banging, I wrongly assumed it was Bob waking
Mat for his shift. The banging continued until I shouted up to Bob to stop as he
was waking the whole boat. ‘don’t know what you are talking about', I am
not banging’. Fair enough must just be a new bang from the boat. Soon after the
engine was put on as the wind died, thankfully drowning the new noise. Mat took
over and all was well. He then became confused as he was sure he saw a flashing
light coming from somewhere on the boat. after a while he noticed that the
lights had a sequence ...---... ...---... SOS SOS. He eventually located where
the distress call was coming from. It was Natalie’s toilet. He went down and
found that Nat had locked herself in the loo and could not get out. She had
tried banging, shouting but all failed, no one could hear her. Pure genius
caused her to flash SOS which was eventually recognised and she was duly
released. An hour and a half she was locked in and was not a happy bunny. well
done Nat for thinking outside the box, or should we say loo!!!
The sun is shinning today but the wind is light so not going to be a good
mileage day, but hey we are getting there.
Till tomorrow
Skip who should be in hospital with man flu.