In the hole…..

Kingfisher 2013
Peter Smith
Mon 9 Dec 2013 05:56
We are currently motoring due West on the compass while continuing to drop latitude down to 12 degrees North (you need a globe in front of you to get that one). In around 36 hours we should be on 12 degrees latitude, in prime position for the build up of the new wind and ready to switch on to a single gybe all the way in to Grenada (amazingly, I just saw a sea pig flying past the window). Well it is a plan!
The current weather is a little bizarre to say the least. We are over 1000nm from the nearest land mass and we could honestly have less movement if we were motoring up the Medina. The wind is less than 5 knots. The sea is like glass. Down below (in my rather well appointed master cabin) I have woken up a couple of times believing that we have somehow booked into a cosy marina berth somewhere in mid-Atlantic - or worse, that the crew have drugged me for a week and we have arrived in Grenada. I suspect they may be plotting to do that but I am watching my food very carefully - you just never know. Absolute irrevocable dictatorship can create a little paranoia sometimes...
We are going to have a swim tomorrow - well, how often do you get the chance to play in a swimming pool 4000m deep? My guess is that no-one will be in the water for long - but if we trail someone on a fender for a while I could still win that fishing bet. (See previous para)
It is a slightly strange feeling not knowing who (if anyone) is now reading our blog. Thank you to those who are and apologies for the continuously one-sided conversation. I think I would continue writing it even with no readers because it is quite cathartic to make a note of what is going on even if only to reflect on the day's activities and our situation. Alex and Tash are religiously keeping their own diaries (old school style) which is great and I am sure they will be getting great satisfaction from doing so.
Everyone wants the wind now - it must be good for the soul to be totally focused on something that only nature (or God) can supply. In our busy lives with all of the instant gratification on hand we are not often in this situation of dependency on forces outside our control. I think it is rather splendid.