Wednesday 5 December 2018

Sarah and David Holtby
Wed 5 Dec 2018 18:08
A day of progress westwards then south, alternately reaching ENE then running WSW across the Rhumb line, leaving a wake that whilst some on board describe as scalloping our way across the Atlantic, the Skipper describes as resembling an old factory roof. Lowry is strong in that one.
We remain top three on handicap and it's notable that the fleet's four heavier displacement, longer keel boats hold all of the top four places: we are in the right boat, and no matter any misgivings about tackling that leg of Serrano ham. We are still be rolling as much as previously described - one reader will remember coining the phrase 'like a sock in a tumble dryer' - but we are inured to that now and pushing for the finish. In lighter winds yesterday's noon-to-noon run was only 147 miles, but the third best in the fleet. Sargassum is everywhere and a significant hindrance, though we've become quicker at clearing it from the Hydrovane rudder. After this morning's dip a major treat was bacon and egg sandwiches with homemade rolls, cooked at great personal cost by Sarah in a hot, airless, rolly galley.
We certainly have had some jolly times with instrument irregularities since, um, Plymouth, and were sad when the only one left working this morning was the Windex, which as you know doesn't have many buttons for the crew to play with. However, after a lengthy bout of furious concentration and repair, the Skipper has fixed them all.
Away from matters vital to survival, as the moon has waned to almost nothing we have all enjoyed fabulous night skies, with every star and planet clear and the Milky Way wrapped diagonally around our starboard side. The Skipper's knowledge of astronomy is considerable and his enthusiasm is quite infectious. Why, only the other night using start charts and binoculars he managed a rare sight of the wonderful galaxy Andromeda, though the crew only observed its slightly shabbier sister galaxy Chlamydia.
This evening we will have a mere quarter of the voyage left - 525 miles - and hope to arrive during Sunday.
With best wishes from all on Kelpie.