LOG DAY 7 - Happy Monday!

Thu 6 Dec 2012 10:40
Monday 3rd December 2012 - dawn Tuesday 4th December
1200hrs GMT - miles covered in 24 hours - 217
POSITION; 18' 28' N , 037' 00' W
A beautiful morning, early clouds clear to a bright sunny blue sky. Wind blowing 20-25 knots, we're doing a steady 8-10 knots with occasional downwind surges pushing us to 14 knots. Boat very steady, skipper and crew in top form. Late breakfast, relaxing in the sun, everyone chilling out - another couple of 'hafftles' - (hooked another fish failed to lands). Music and suncream on - Frank happy as he has received an email from the lightness of his darkness... A lovely easy day, sailing along in the right directionenjoying surfing thegreat ocean breakers. Just to keep us on our toes, at sundowner time the vang bursts again - Sunny Jim and Nathan with Skipper's techno support carry out the repair in record time. An uneventful night, occasional squall and shower - steady 20-25 knots until McPhail steps out to take his watch - Nathan and Gordon burst out laughing as the wind immediately increases to 30 knots. As it's so uneventful, Skipper and Sunny Jim decide to pop to the Srtargazer's Inn for a couple of pints. Sunrise 0900hrs GMT. Another hafftle on McPhail's line early this morning.