I think we sussed it!
Jim / Elaine Soens
Mon 9 Dec 2013 11:39
Where 23 hours from Cape Verde Islands, we left Las Palmas on Tuesday and have motored nearly all the way here with
0 - 5 knots of wind all the way so where calling in to refuel and spend a night , no longer, as the weather forecast is supposed to be good, the trade winds setting in again and we would like to be in the Carribean for xmas
Im renaming the grandchildren sleep a lot and eat a lot although sleep a lot is getting better, eat a lot hasn't caught fish yet and has managed to loose 2 lures very unlikely well have a fish dinner but it keeps him occupied.
last night was the first night I haven't had 2 coats on when on watch its been quite cool, slowly getting warmer. dull and overcast to day not much happening.
hope this blog gets to the right place we've had issues with the programme or maybe the programmer! who thinks he has it right at last.