Biscay 3
Lesley & Derek Mercer
Tue 26 Jul 2011 01:09
44:07.7N 007:55.7W
A quiet day. Overcast, but the odd shower. Winds had picked up
and were from the West (260 degrees), and as we were heading 230 degrees , made
life a little tedious. Had to motorsail part of the way, until the wind
started to veer. We expect to reach La Coruna tomorrow lunchtime, all
being well.
I am having to decide whether to rename Iola the Marie Celeste 2.
Lesley and Dennis have been playing around with the AIS machine (the radar type
of thing) because the screen was too bright at night. There is a button on
the machine marked MOB which stands for Man Over Board. The idea is that
if someone falls in you hit this button and so at least have an idea where to
start looking for them when you turn round. Well, we now have on our plot,
at least 6 MOB scattered along our track across Biscay, and so Iola must,
presumably, be a ghost ship! |