At 5pm on 14th January we ar at 12:26.57N 24:27.34W we have done 450 miles
and have 1725 to go approximately. We celebrated Nicky's birthday with
birthday cards of undisguised bad taste, and presents of red roses and
chocolates, followed by fudge brownies for tea. Intrepid has done 158 miles
towards our destination since 1800 yesterday, so we are no track to do 162
miles in 24 hours which is a record for Intrepid. And that is with both
sails with 2 furls in them. Martin is improving every day, he smiles 20% of
the time now, he ate a mug full of my very best home made soup for lunch,
has drunk at least 2 litres of water, and kept watch from 0630. I have
gingerly started fishing, using a trailed lure on a 100lb line, as I do not
want to have to stop and heave to to land a fish on a wildly bucking deck.
The sound of the waves going past the hull is like a roaring, Intrepid is
surfing the waves at 8 knots like a giant surf board, and we are the humans
on top hanging on. Its a 15 day adrenalin rush.